Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Faith Comes By Hearing 2

Hearing is receiving what has been spoken
and what we receive by hearing settles into
our spirits.

Biblical faith does not come by hearing in
general, receiving anything and everything
that enters into our ears, for we might hear
the wrong thing and our faith will be in error.

Faith comes by hearing is a very important
truth, but only half of it.
We need the whole thing, so the second half
of Paul's statement is equally important:
"Hearing by the Word of God."

It is only when we hear and receive the Word
of God that true faith comes and takes root
in us.

The Word of God comes by inspiration of the
Holy Spirit and He has a very important role
to play in our faith.
When we hear the Word, the Holy Spirit takes
and plants it deep in our spirit and then faith
begins to arise within us.

The Word of God is our starting point for faith.
We need to get into our Bibles and ask the
Holy Spirit to reveal it to us.
Then receive the Word and meditate on it.
Let it settle into the heart and instruct our
Let it transform us by renewing our minds.
Let it direct our wills and every choice we make.