Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Size Doesn't Matter

The really important thing about faith is not
how big it is, but what we do with it.
Many people have faith and it does them no

What is needed is to plant their faith; sow it,
release it, activate it.
Then it can accomplish anything and every
thing they need.

So it is not the size of our faith that matters.
It is whether or not we have released it.
When we plant our faith, though it is small,
amazing things happen.
We can say to a mulberry tree "Be uprooted
and be planted in the sea," and it will obey

That is an impossible thing by man
standards, but that is what Jesus said we
can do with our mustard size faith.
We can perform miracles.

In another place Jesus said that we can
move mountains Matthew 17:20.
This too was by planting faith as a mustard
It's not the size, but what we do with it.
It's how we sow and activate it.