Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

El Hay

"My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God."
............Psalm 84:2

God, like His Word, is living and powerful.
He is El Hay, the living God.
To speak this name is to speak of His awesomeness.

Those who know Him and call on His name, the living God is the God of life!

Those who trust in Him are children of the living God.
He will not withhold His blessings from His children.
We are the dwelling place for the God of life.
We have the God of life and the life of God working in us.
Jesus is the living God.

LORD, Our Living God,
In You there is no death.
In You there is no sickness or disease.
In You there is no poverty.
In You there is no evil.
We rejoice being Your children and Your dwelling place.
Jesus, You came that we might have life and that we might have it more abundantly.
Your life, the very life of God is at work in us.
All things are ours now!
We give you thanks and praise!
............In the name of Jesus!