Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Yahweh Rapha

"If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD
your God and do what is right in His sight,
give ear to His commandments and keep
all His statues,
I will put none of the diseases on you which
I have brought on the Egyptians.
For I am the LORD who heals you."
Exodus 15:26

By the name Yehweh Rapha, God reveals Himself
as the One who brings healing to all those who
heed His voice and walk in His ways.
Rapha means to mend, cure, heal, repair and
make whole.

"Bless the LORD, O my soul. . . .
who forgives all your iniquities,
who heals all your diseases"
Psalm 103:2,3

"God sent His word and healed those who
cried out to Him"
Psalm 107:20

The LORD, "heals the brokenhearted and
binds up their wounds"
Psalm 147:3

Isaiah said of the Messiah "the day that the
LORD binds up the bruise of His people and
heals the stroke of their wound"
Isaiah 30:26

"The Spirit of the LORD is upon me,
Because He has anointed Me
To preach the gospel to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set a liberty those who are oppressed;
To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD."
Luke 4:18-19

Jesus revealed Himself as our healer!

LORD, Thank You for sending Your word to
make us whole.
Thank You for forgiving all our sins and
healing all our diseases.
Thank You for anointing Jesus to mend our
broken hearts and bind up our wounds.
You gave sight to the blind and freedom to
the captive.
Today, this Scripture is fulfilled and we
declare that we are healed!
..............In the name of Jesus!