Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Hallowed Be Your Name

The word "hallow" is the verb form of
To hallow something means to sanctify
it, to set it apart as holy.
God and His name are already holy,
so the prayer is that His name would be
seen and recognized for the uniquely holy
thing that it is.
Let God be glorified in heaven and on
Let His name be fully appreciated.
Let His greatness and goodness be
received and honored everywhere.

God has revealed Himself by many
names which have a healing benefit:
The Lord My Healer - Rapha
The Lord My Provider - Jireh
The Lord My Banner - Nissi
The Lord My Peace - Shalom
The Lord My Shepherd - Raala
The Lord My Righteousness - Tsidkenu

These and many other names show
the holiness of God.
No one else is like the Lord; no one
else can do the things He can do.
As we pray this prayer, let these
names become holy in our hearts.
Honor these names and receive them
into our beings.
Give glory to Him by these names,
affirming all their significance.