Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Peter Raises Dorcas

"At Joppa there was a certain
disciple name Tabitha, which
is translated Dorcas.
This woman was full of good
works and charitable deeds
which she did.
But it happened in those days
that she became sick and died.
When they had washed her, they
laid her in an upper room.
And since Lydda was near Joppa
and the disciples had heard that
Peter was there, they sent two
men to him, imploring him not to
delay in coming to them.
Then Peter arose and went with
When he had come, they brought
him to the upper room.
And all the widows stood by him
weeping, showing the tunics and
garments which Dorcas had made
while she was with them.
But Peter put them all out and
knelt down and prayed.
And turning to the body he siad,
'Tabitha, arise.'
And she opened her eyes and when
she saw Peter she sat up.
Then he gave her his hand and
lifted her up; and when he had
called the saints and widows, he
presented her alive.
And it became known throughout
all Joppa and many believed on the
Acts 9:36-42

When Dorcas died, two men went to
Peter asking him to come.
The body would have to be buried
by the end of the day.
They expected Peter to do some
thing, even though time was short.
Peter went with them expecting to
do somethng in this case.
Peter cleared the room of unbelief.
Peter spoke to the body calling her
by name.
When she opened her eyes, Peter
followed through by taking her by
the hand and lifting her up and
presenting her to her friends.
She was restored to life and strength.